Agenda of December 2010
A means to facilitate communication, legacy forms of human ingenuity to create a system to facilitate a job. This post box was and probably still today, used to make letter-Post. the spread in various regions, to facilitate the Mr Tailor Post collect the letters, and then taken to the post office, sorted according to their destination.
Need a big cost certainly realize this post boxes, the physical form is 100% iron makes it look solid. Form an orange box.
then a moment with the development of the era, iron boxes has been abandoned, replaced by sms packages offered by various providers - for only $. 1000 may send more than 100 SMS (Short Message Service), ajibb!. or with the facility of a mobile brand called BBM (Black Berry Messenger), which is more sadistic, No fee!!. A miracle of technology.
MAILBOX Attack aims to revive the spirit of boxed POS. haha, what's the point? Nope!!. :'>// Still, this action means the introduction of HELLO WORLD,in the hope of the orange metal boxes are sent messages to all HELLO WORLD PO Box anywhere . Yeahh .. / / This will definitely be heavy, LOL.
A means to facilitate communication, legacy forms of human ingenuity to create a system to facilitate a job. This post box was and probably still today, used to make letter-Post. the spread in various regions, to facilitate the Mr Tailor Post collect the letters, and then taken to the post office, sorted according to their destination.
Need a big cost certainly realize this post boxes, the physical form is 100% iron makes it look solid. Form an orange box.
then a moment with the development of the era, iron boxes has been abandoned, replaced by sms packages offered by various providers - for only $. 1000 may send more than 100 SMS (Short Message Service), ajibb!. or with the facility of a mobile brand called BBM (Black Berry Messenger), which is more sadistic, No fee!!. A miracle of technology.
MAILBOX Attack aims to revive the spirit of boxed POS. haha, what's the point? Nope!!. :'>// Still, this action means the introduction of HELLO WORLD,in the hope of the orange metal boxes are sent messages to all HELLO WORLD PO Box anywhere . Yeahh .. / / This will definitely be heavy, LOL.